
Archive for January 19, 2011

The Burns Unit

January 19, 2011 Leave a comment

At the weekend I went to Celtic Connections (for the first time, hoorah!) to see the Burns Unit. They are quite new and very wonderful and contain some of my favourite people: Karine Polwart, Kim Edgar, King Creosote…etc. I went to see them once before and they are so exciting to watch. They play so many different styles and the lyrics are wonderful. I never usually want to sit and listen to a whole album by a band in one go but their first one is definitely one I can do that to. It is wonderful.

My favourite song is “Since we’ve fallen out”. It is the first song on their album and they have played it first at both gigs I have been too. It sometimes makes me cry as it is very true and I imagine a lot of people can relate to it and what it says. Also- Karine Polwart and King Creosote voice combination is just beautiful. Enjoy!